Some people are motivated by achievement, others by process, others by a blend of both. But no matter what it is, everyone who pursues a dream learns many lessons along the way.
I learned that if you badly want something, take some risks and ask for help, people will often help you. It happened to me countless times. But even if you don’t make it, I sometimes think we get more from pursuing a dream and not accomplishing it, then we do from many of the ones we did accomplish.
Never quit if it gets hard or when you are in a low spirit is one of the smartest advises I’ve read about. If you want to quit, do it, but only when your spirit is high…
While getting ready for the trip, I went through a few periods during which I wanted to throw in the towel, and gave up. This simple, yet powerful advice kept me on the path to fulfilment, and allowed me to wander the planet.